Monday, May 14, 2018

Mini VCI Toyota Techstream 13.10.019 Download Free

Free download TOYOTA TIS Techstream V13.10.019 for Toyota customization:
It’s from Autoken shared in
No password but UNKNOWN SECURITY
TRY ON YOUR OWN RISK! holds no responsibility of it.

Techstream V13.10.019 install:
It’s easy. Same as Techstream 13.00.022 software installation. Pls step by step install version 13.10.019 with the help of the Youtube video below.

Techstream 13.10.019 activation:
The Techstream v13 download link here for share info only; maybe it can help more people
If you want Techstream ACTIVATION KEY, pls go to Autoken! cannot help you with activation. Sorry!

You can post your techstream software id and will be helped to get the key.

Techstream compatibility:
You can try Techstream application with different tools, depending on your purpose.
Toyota mini vci, mangoose VCI cable: customization
Vxdiag vcx nano for toyota: customization coding, ecu programming

Techstream v12 v13 hints:
In the new Techstream version 12 or 13, there might be missing Utility and Customize buttons if you have no luck to have a working software cracked.

But no worries. Try the links here, of old Techstream versions:

Techstream software v11.20.019:
Techstream v11.10.034
Techstream download v11.00.017
Techstrean software v10.30.029
(registered key is necessary for some, but unnecessary for others)
In detail...
You can find out the one you want with Utility and Customize working perfect.

Good luck!